Member Associations of EUSUHM
Austrian Association of School Doctors, Gesellschaft der Schulärzt:innen Österreichs
The Finnish Association of School and Student Health (Skooppi) / VWVJ, Vlaamse Wetenschappelijke Vereniging voor Jeugdgezondheidszorg
KaleidoCenter for Healthy Development
Croatian Society for School and University Medicine / Hrvatsko društvo za školsku i sveučilišnu medicinu HLZ
Tallinn Health Care at School Foundation / Sihtasutus Tallinna Koolitervishoid
Finnish Association of School and Student Health (Skooppi) / Suomen koulu- ja opiskeluterveyden yhdistys (Skooppi)
Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS) / Ylioppilaiden terveydenhoitosäätiö (YTHS)
Federal Association of Doctors in the Public Health Service / Bundesverband der Ärztinnen und Ärzte des Öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes e. V. (BVÖGD)
József Fodor Society of School Health Care / Fodor József Iskolaegészségügyi Társaság
Dutch Association of Preventive Child Health Care (AJN)
Dutch Professional Nurse Practitioner Organisation (V&VN) / Verpleegkundig Specialisten (V&VN)
Swedish Association of School Health Care
Svenska Skolläkarföreningen
Slovenian Society for School, Student and Adolescent MedicineSlovene / Medical Association Slovensko Zdravniško Društvo
Scolarmed / Swiss Association of Specialists in the School Health Service